萌生ちゃんが好きな人と結婚するのが一番 ママアナになっても末長く応援するよ
しかし召喚に耐えうる体調に全然戻らん Anti-inflammatoryをUnder Controlする本質的なapproachは連邦政府機関で始めるべきだったな
流石にアメリカ軍の救難部隊に出動を要請するのは、難しいのだろうか 岸田さん、国連にいるのならアメリカ政府政権と協議して政治決断と要請をお願いします
Dear Mr. President, Secretary Blinken, Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, members of the Biden administration, the U.S. Federal Government and the U.S. Congress
I would like to apologize profusely to Mr. President and the Biden administration for my current failure to be seeking help in the right way,
as the American athlete who are currently being wrongfully detained in Russia are doing. Since that time, I have been bad physical condition that I have not even been able to do that methodology.
In my writing here, I may appear to be in good physical condition, but like I have sought help and conveyed reasons for seeking asylum to the Presidents and administrations of the time,
the U.S. Federal Government and the U.S. Congress for a long time, I am unable to do even that which I was able to do before, due to the Japanese government's misrule.
Please help me to get asylum from Japan to the US mainland.
Thank you again for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
萌生ちゃん、明日も頑張って 応援してるよ